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How To Order

Placing Your First Order Online ?

Place your order at Bargain Book Hut online, following these 8 quick and easy steps:

  1. Find the section/book in our homepage/website using the search option.

  2. Add the book to Your Shopping Cart or if it is only one book you wish to buy, click on the “Buy Now” Option.

  3. If you have placed books in your Shopping Cart you can still continue to browse the website and keep adding books to your Shopping Cart by clicking on “Continue Shopping”.

  4. Before you buy, you will have to Sign In/Create a New Account.

  5. Just browse through & select the books in our different sections and keep adding them to the Shopping Cart. You may also exercise the option of saving titles in your “Wishlist” and “Save for Later” to be able to revisit later for purchasing the same.

  6. In the shopping cart, you may wish to have certain books gift wrapped. Select the books that you want gift-wrapped, whether as a single gift wrapped book or multiple books in one gift wrapped package.

  7. In the shopping cart click on ‘Checkout’ and you will be prompted to enter a Billing and Shipping Address. Here, please check again whether we “Deliver to your Pincode”. This page also shows you, your order summary which you must review and finalise.

  8. Click on payment options and proceed to ‘Checkout’ which will open the page for you to provide relevant payment information and authorization, to go through the payment procedure and complete your purchase.